The information in this guide is designed to help you carefully choose your subjects. The courses you select are crucial for your future, so it is important that you think carefully about your course direction. The further you go in the senior school, the more difficult it becomes to change that direction. That is why the best advice is to keep as broad a range of subjects for as long as possible.
- Course Overview
- Additional Junior Programmes
- Year 9 Course Information
- Year 10 Course Information
- Year 11 Course Information
- Year 12 Course Information
- Year 13 Course Information
- NZQA Scholarship
- National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA)
- University Entrance
- Students with Additional Learning Needs
- English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
- Careers Information and Gateway Programmes
There are recommended pathways, as prior experience of a subject is a strong indicator of future success. Note the progress of subjects from Year 11 through to Year 13 in the subject pathways. Some subjects are difficult to take up again if dropped early or may not go through to Year 13.
Students will be selecting their options for 2025 in Term 3 via the web portal. This will follow discussions with their Atawhai leader.
All students should consider the following for each course:
- What qualifications and future learning do my courses lead to
- while at school?
- once I've left school?
- Does my learning programme help me meet the literacy and numeracy requirements
- for NCEA?
- for University Entrance?
- Do all my courses together give me enough credits or grades for the qualifications that I want?
- Do all my courses together make up a manageable workload for me?
Please note that:
- Prior experience and success in a subject are strong predictors of future success.
- If a student is likely to study a subject in later levels early specialisation is recommended.
People you can see for advice about your course selection here at Long Bay College are your Atawhai leader, subject teachers and Deans.
Mrs Thomas ([email protected]), our Careers Counsellor, has information on a huge variety of careers and tertiary courses. She is available on 477 9009 ext 839 and is happy to talk with parents.
Students studying English for Academic Purposes (EAP) should also seek pathway advice from the Head of Faculty (EAP & Languages), Mrs Victoria Yun ([email protected]).
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