Careers Guidance and Counselling is available to students, who can make appointments to see the Careers Advisor. Our Careers Room has a wide range of information available. During the year, students can attend university liaison visits, trade ITO visits, lunchtime presentations, the Careers Expo, and STAR and Gateway courses as well as participating in a number of out-of-school trips and attending a wide variety of open days and information sessions. Students at risk of leaving school unprepared for the workplace or future education/training will be identified by teachers, Deans and the Guidance Counsellors and referred to the Careers Advisor. Students leaving school have their career plans checked by the Careers Advisor before a Leavers Form is issued.
Students can visit the Careers Centre to find out more about:
- Career Central, an online programme which provides personalised career planning.
- Prospectus and course booklets for universities, polytechnics, private training providers, industry training programmes and apprenticeships.
- Guest speakers from tertiary institutions and companies.
- Using the computer suite.
- Future Pathways programme information.
- Student job vacancies.
- Booking one-on-one sessions with the Careers Advisor.
The Gateway programme assists students to transition from school into work or a tertiary course. Students are given the opportunity to work in a structured workplace environment 1 day per week for 5-10 weeks in an industry of their choice. The programme allows students to explore the practical aspects of specific career options and gives them the opportunity to gain new skills and knowledge. As part of the course, students will complete First Aid, OSH and Interview Skills courses which will give them 20 Level 2 and Level 3 credits.
Careers booklets... |
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