Additional Jnr Programmes

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A programme supportive of academically excellent students and their engagement with our Junior Curriculum.  It is not a “gifted” programme but one with academic extension and enrichment that will be of benefit to gifted students as well.  It is a programme that covers five junior curriculum classes within the same class grouping and is supportive of students in working toward NZQA Scholarship as they work through Years 9 to 13.

Being selected for the Aspiring Scholars programme is not seen as a reward but as a response to an educational need.   Students selected have the right to choose not to enter the programme, without repercussions. Students not initially selected, who indicate through high performance the ability required, will be offered the opportunity to move into the programme in Year 10. Where appropriate the programme provides curriculum enrichment and encourages differentiated tasks.

Entry to our Aspiring Scholars Programme in Year 9 is determined by identification in the enrolment process, feedback from prior school, educational psychologist report (if evident), performance in entrance testing and prior scholastic performance.


Junior students identified as likely to benefit from acceleration in English and Maths are targeted for additional timetabled support for a semester.

This acceleration occurs through targeted classes running in parallel to their timetabled English or Maths class. Entrance to the class determined in Semester 1 in Year 9 by identification in the enrolment process, feedback from prior school, educational psychologist report (if evident), performance in entrance testing and prior scholastic performance. Subsequent entry is based on the feedback of classroom teachers, a student's progress to date and in discussion with the Heads of Maths and English. If a student’s family are interested in being considered for Junior Acceleration Courses, they should identify this in the enrolment process.

*Please note that all new entrant student testing data is reviewed and where the College perceives a student would benefit from engaging with Junior Acceleration Courses further discussion with parents will occur ahead of a potential placing in our course.


During enrolment students will have the opportunity to identify if they would like to participate in this programme of study. Mātauranga Māori focuses on developing student understanding of Māori knowledge. 

This course is a one period a week, timetabled class and focuses on foundational Māori values such as tangata whenuatanga (affirming Māori world view), manaakitanga (care and respect for each other), and kaitiakitanga (sustainability and guardianship of our environment). Students will learn about pūrākau / oral histories and visit our local tohu whenua / landmarks to understand who was here before us and how they interacted with this land. Students will learn skills and knowledge of Māori technology past, and how it is relevant and valuable in the present and into the future. Learning will be both inside and outside the classroom, including visits to a Marae and Long Bay Park.