Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. Bailey.
This course is aimed at our highest achieving English scholars who have shown a strong aptitude and passion for the subject. The course consists of a combination of internal and external standards and is aimed at all students who enjoy experiencing texts that challenge and interest them. It will be strongly based on literary theory, a wide range of literature, and will focus on extending reading and writing skills. The course will provide the opportunity to gain UE Literacy. Students in this course are expected to sit the English Scholarship exam at the end of the year. This is an invite only course.
Cook, Holiday Park Manager, Sales Representative, Accountant, Auditor, Diversional and Recreational Therapist, Actor, Actuary, Acupuncturist, Office Administrator, Finance Manager, Receptionist, Advertising Specialist, Copywriter, Sales and Marketing Manager, Survey Technician, Aeronautical Engineer, Aeroplane Pilot, Registered Nurse, Air Force Aviator
Equipment/Stationery and Contributions (indicative only)EQUIPMENT/STATIONERY:
Confirmed stationary lists will be available at the beginning of the school year. It is unlikely that this course will require any items in addition to a laptop computer and some general stationery.
Although we aim to enable every learner to be enrolled in their preferred courses, your selection does not guarantee a course will be available, or that you have approval to take a selected course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results, and in some cases, class sizes and staff availability.