L3 Design and Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr P. Kemsley-Smith.

With the challenge of real world inspired problems students will extend their learning from the levels one and two courses. Delivering three internal and one external assessment the course is structured to encourage critical thinking and problem solving resulting in the design and production of hard materials-based solutions. However at level three students will be expected to find and work for a real client learning negotiation, planning and resource analyses to extend their capacity and confidence in design and problem solving.

Equipment/Stationery and Contributions (indicative only)

Confirmed stationary lists will be available at the beginning of the school year. It is unlikely that this course will require any items in addition to a laptop computer and some general stationery.

Assessment Information

Achievement Standards are not yet confirmed for this course.

Assessment for the course is by portfolio. Students are recommended to choose a maximum of two portfolio subject in the same academic year.


Although we aim to enable every learner to be enrolled in their preferred courses, your selection does not guarantee a course will be available, or that you have approval to take a selected course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results, and in some cases, class sizes and staff availability.