L1 English Extension
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. Bailey.
This course is aimed at our highest achieving English scholars who have shown a strong aptitude and passion for the subject. Literary theory, an introduction to literary movements, and a wide range of classic and modern literature will be studied. The course will focus on extending reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. Students will develop an understanding of the English Scholarship exam. This is an invite only course.
Equipment/Stationery and Contributions (indicative only)
In addition to a laptop computer and some general stationery, specific items for each course will be confirmed at the beginning of each school year.
As an indication, for this course you are likely to need:
- 1B8 Exercise Book
- 14B8 Refill
Credit Information (standards listed are indicative only and are subject to change)
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for course endorsement.
English 1.3 - Demonstrate understanding of specific aspects of studied text
English 1.2 - Develop ideas in writing using stylistic and written conventions
English 1.4 - Demonstrate understanding of significant aspects of unfamiliar texts
Although we aim to enable every learner to be enrolled in their preferred courses, your selection does not guarantee a course will be available, or that you have approval to take a selected course. Final course confirmation is in January and depends on your final results, and in some cases, class sizes and staff availability.